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Akropolis Lux


Akropolis is a slightly abstract building game where you score sets of colour hexes collected as parts of tri-omino style tiles. You either collect the multipliers (stars in that colour) or the sets which need to be placed to fit rules to each colour (red is on the outside of the city, purple must be surrounded, blue scores only the largest group, yellow can’t touch other yellows – there are also advanced rules possible). The twist is that you also multiply by the level each scoring hex is on, and you can only build up by covering earlier work.

You buy from a market using stones that you earn if you cover up white “quarry” hexes.

It’s cool – Simple to teach, plays well up to 4, and is done in well under an hour.

Lets get onto simplifying that teach even more.

-why does the game insist on creating lots of stacks? Skip that, I built a dispenser to store them in. I also built a track as a reminder of the market you’re buying from. Not necessary, but just lessens confusion for non-gamers. We all like guide rails! 

Next, as I’ve established before – I’m not a fan of tiny little cubes. So I swapped those out for some white-ish gravel. Chunkeeey!

Then I started looking at how I could make the vertical element more eyecatching. Its important to build up, so how can we add height. The pieces supplied are very good, really. Nice thick pieces of cardboard, but could they be even thicker.

I wanted to cut out box cardboard (or even wood) to glue to the backs of the pieces, but my skills aren’t up to it – those shapes are fiddly. It was going to take a long time as well.

So I cheated. This game is cheap, and if you hunt around you can find it on sale even cheaper.

So I bought a second copy. It was £15 which translates to not a lot of hours.

The I carefully matched up the pieces and glued them together – this way we didn’t even have to slow down putting the right side up! I coloured the edges to cover which pieces work for 2/3/4 players.

Wow – it came out better than I could have ever hoped! 



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