3-8 players, best at 5-6

Splito is a fun little party game where you start with a hand of 13 cards, play one then pass the rest along to play again, till you have no cards to pass on.
The cards are either a scoring condition or a card that satisfies a scoring condition (numbers 1-6 in 6 suits). An example of a rule would be "Have exactly two 6s".
The twist is that you play these cards either to the left or right of you into scoring areas shared with the player next to you on that side. You then multiply your two "side tableau" scores for your personal score.
For experienced gamers: this is a simplified version of "Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig" or "Between Two Cities".
My two cents:
We really like the game - we play quite often, usually several games in a row, while mixing up our seating order around the table.
However, we really dislike the production:
-The card quality is poor - very thin stock.
-The long thin shape of the cards make them difficult to shuffle.
-The suits are difficult to distinguish yellow and green are too close together, and the different patterns are all a bit similar.
-The card scoring rules are written in grey and are a bit verbose. Really difficult read and distinguish from each other in low light
I'm trying to think of a design choice they made right!
This makes what would otherwise have been a great pub game, annoying to bring out. We would happily buy the game again if the production improved. I'm not sure it will so am considering making our own version to get printed. If I do, I'll post it here! (I will not be doing this for profit only for personal use! And if the publishers ("Blam!") ever want to use my learnings, please help yourself!