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The Inferior Goods of Caesar's Empire


Caesar's Empire is a cool route-building game fromSynapses Games and Holy Grail Games. Easy to teach, really good at 3 or 4 players. Some wonderful components in terms of the soldiers especially.

Making tracks.
Making tracks.

(Paint would be nice, but even I don't have the time to paint 150 of these!)

And then... did they then run out of budget?

The player scoretrack tokens and goods tokens for what you collect are really small and fiddly pieces of cardboard.

This pic doesn't do justice to how small these really are
This pic doesn't do justice to how small these really are

Epoxying wasn't going to be enough but I wanted to keep the scale.

For scoretrack markers I printed out some character pictures and stuck them to the top of some wooden circle tokens. For the goods tokens, I used gluedots to stick them to coins - American dimes were the perfect size. This gave them a little heft. Then epoxying the tops gave everything a little shine and class.


Still small, but something a bit more tactile.

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