I don't paint miniatures. Too fiddly and difficult to undo if it goes wrong. I won't show you my one attempt (to be fair it was before most of you were born).
Except for the trees in "Through the desert".
This fabulous little Knizia gem is already very pretty - I have the 2017 Zman games version.
As usual with this genius designer, elegance is key. Such simple rules (add camel to one of your lines...twice), with so much intriguing play that keep my non-hobbyist group coming back. It should be in eveyone's collection.
So how did I upgrade?
The camels are perfect little candies - I can't do much to improve those.
The 1-3 point tokens I epoxied just on one side to give them a little gleam.
The Oasis 5 point tokens I replaced with clear gems, and the "longest train" tokens I replaced with gems of that colour (two of each to allow for 10 or 5 point rewards).

I glued the "spare" dark camel riders (to indicate who is which colour) to some wooden tokens to give them more presence. I gave eveyone little felt bags to hold their start pieces in, and then for the treasures as they collect them.

And I painted the trees.
I didn't need to be very good to improve them - they were really quite underwhelming before. So my daughter (an artist) told me some colour theory for mixing paints and I sprayed the plastic with an undercoat which also gave the plastic some texture.

I'm quite pleased!