how to play
Two teams throw discs in turn to end up with
their team color nearest the Jack disc.
Extra rules on each disc add a little spice as you play.
-Remove the Jacks, and the "Swap Team Colors" discs, then stack
the Frisboule discs in a randomized pile.
-Place 1 Jack halfway down the stack to mark the end of the round.
-Place the second Jack on the ground and stand behind it.
-Throw the last Jack as a target.
-Throw the "Swap team Colors" disc as an alternative target if
things are going badly for you!
-Take turns to throw Frisboules at the target Jack!
If your team color is face up when you take the next Frisboule from
the stack, then you play the rule written on that disc!
-Continue taking from the stack till you hit the marker Jack.
-The top Frisboule in the pile nearest the target Jack wins!